These badges are often sold as "original" on the free marked.
Made so they looks 80 years old.
Superb items!
Please do NOT re-sell as originals!

N.S.K.K.Third Reich Period 1st German Cross-Country Cruise Appliqué 1937 - AGED -

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This badge is often sold as "original" on the free marked.
Made so it looks very old.
Superb item!
Please do NOT re-sell as originals!

N.S.K.K.1st Orentierungsfahrt Cruise Appliqué 1937 - AGED -

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This badge is often sold as "original" on the free marked.
Made so it looks very old.
Superb item!
Please do NOT re-sell as originals!

N.S.K.K. Motorbrigade on Red Wool - AGED -

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This badge is often sold as "original" on the free marked.
Made so it looks very old.
Superb item!
Please do NOT re-sell as originals!

D.D.A.C. Für Treue Dienste - AGED -

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This badge is often sold as "original" on the free marked.
Made so it looks very old.
Superb item!
Please do NOT re-sell as originals!

N.S.K.K. - D.D.A.C. Zielfahrt Marburg - AGED -

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This badge is often sold as "original" on the free marked.
Made so it looks very old.
Superb item!
Please do NOT re-sell as originals!


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This badge is often sold as "original" on the free marked.
Made so it looks very old.
Superb item!
Please do NOT re-sell as originals!

N.S.K.K. "Nordmark Herbst Prüfunng" 1937 - AGED -

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This badge is often sold as "original" on the free marked. Made so it looks very old.
Superb item!
Please do NOT re-sell as originals!

N.S.K.K Wintersportkampfe Alpenland Badge - AGED -

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This badge is often sold as "original" on the free marked. Made so it looks 80 years old.
Superb item!
Please do NOT re-sell as originals!

N.S.K.K Verkehrserziehungsdienst PLAQUE - AGED

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This badge is often sold as "original" on the free marked. Made so it looks very old.
Superb item!
Please do NOT re-sell as originals!

N.S.K.K Motorstaffel III / M 118 - AGED -

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This badge is often sold as "original" on the free marked. Made so it looks very old.
Superb item!
Please do NOT re-sell as originals!

N.S.F.K. Deutschlandflug 1938 Nationalsozialistiches Fliegerkorps - AGED -

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This badge is often sold as "original" on the free marked.
Made so it looks very old.
Superb item!
Please do NOT re-sell as originals!

N.S.F.K. Badge for Free Balloon Pilot.

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"Abzeichen für Freiballonführer"


N.S.K.K. Meisterschütze Der Motorgr. Oberdonau - AGED -

This badge is often sold as "original" on the free marked.
Made so it looks very old.
Superb item!
Please do NOT re-sell as originals!

Miniature NSFK Badge - AGED

Miniature NSFK Badge - AGED


N.S.F.K. Badge for Powered Aircraft Pilot 1938

This badge is often sold as "original" on the free marked.
Made so it looks very old.
Superb item!
Please do NOT re-sell as originals!


This badge is often sold as "original" on the free marked.
Made so it looks very old.
Superb item!
Please do NOT re-sell as originals!