SS-Ausweis for SS-Officer in "NACHTIGALL" Schutzmannschaft Bat. 201"

Super book with Metal Stamp!

Knights Cross and Oak holder!

With Blood-type, Gas-mask size and other info inside!

SS Ausweis / ID Book for SS-Officer Sigreid Geiger in 38. Greadier Division Der SS NIBELUNGEN

Super book with Metal Stamp and 3 Paper Stamps!
Knights Cross Holder!

With Blood-type, Gas-mask size and other info inside!

Super book with with 3 Paper Stamps!

With Blood-type, Gas-mask size and other info inside!
Book for Adolf Hitler, note number 0.01.
SS Ehrenmitglied means Honorary Member of the SS.
Signatur by Adolf Hitler!
Super book!

SS-Ausweis / ID Book for SS-Officer K. Sehreiber in Base 211 NEUE BERLIN

Super book with 3 Paper Pressed Stamps!

Knights Cross Holder!
With Blood-type, Gas-mask size and other info inside!
Super book with Metal Stamp and 3 Paper Stamps!

With Blood-type, Gas-mask size and other info inside!

Super book with 3 Paper Pressed Stamps!

With Blood-type, Gas-mask size and other info inside!
Super book with with 3 Paper Stamps!
Knights Cross Holder!

With Blood-type, Gas-mask size and other info inside!
Super book with 3 Paper Pressed Stamps!
Close Combat Claspe in Gold holder!

With Blood-type, Gas-mask size and other info inside!

SS-Ausweis / ID Book SS-SNIPER(Scharfschützen) SS-Officer August Frank

Super book with 3 Paper Pressed Stamps!

With Blood-type, Gas-mask size and other info inside!

Knights Cross Holder!

SS-Ausweis / ID Book for SS-Panzer NCO Paul Hartmann in 12. SS-Panzer Div. HITLERJUGEND

Super book with 3 Paper Pressed Stamps!

With Blood-type, Gas-mask size and other info inside!
Super book with 3 Paper Pressed Stamps!

With Blood-type, Gas-mask size and other info inside!

SS-Ausweis / ID Book for SS-Panzer Soldier Martin Schulz in 2. SS Panzer Div. DAS REICH DEUTSCHLAND

Super book with 3 Paper Pressed Stamps!
With Blood-type, Gas-mask size and other info inside!

Super book with 3 Paper Stamps!

With Blood-type, Gas-mask size and other info inside!


SS-Ausweis for SS-Sturmbannführer 1. SS Div. Leibstandarte-SS Adolf Hitler

Super book with Metal Stamp!

With Blood-type, Gas-mask size and other info inside!

Close Combat Badge in Gold holder!

SS-Ausweis for SS-Officer in 18. SS-Freiwilligen-Gren. "HORST WESSEL"

Super book with Metal Stamp!

With Blood-type, Gas-mask size and other info inside!
Super book with Metal Stamp and 3 Paper stamps!

Knights Cross Holder!

With Blood-type, Gas-mask size and other info inside!