
German WW II Rings / SS Rings

Rings with very high details in "German Silver" and "925 Sterling Silver". 
Read about "German Silver" here.
Over 40 designs!

There were many attractive official and unofficial rings worn by German military and political personnel during the Third Reich period. The rings are not offered in different sizes as they are copied from original specimens - most are around 20-21mm inside diameter

SS-Rune/ SS-Wedding Ring "925"

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Sterling Silver Series "925"
Text inside "Meine Ehre Heisst True", "SS" and "925".

Video of ring here:

Now to special price for a limited period of time - 40% Discount!

SS-Rune/ SS-Wedding Ring

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Text inside "Meine Ehre Heisst True", "SS" and "925".
Now on SALE!

SS-Rune/ SS-Wedding Ring in Gold

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Text inside "Meine Ehre Heisst True", "SS" and "925".
Now on SALE!!

Heavy SS Officer Ring "925"

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Made in Solid Sterling 925 Silver!

Our new SS Officer Ring made in 925 Silver! In our serie of new 925 silver rings.

Marked inside "925" - "H. Himmler" and a German name.

Now to special price for a limited period of time - 40% Discount!

SS Anti-Partizan Officer Ring "925"

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Sterling Silver Series "925"

Marked inside: "925" 

Now to special price for a limited period of time - 40% Discount!

"Valhalla" SS Officer Ring"925"

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Sterling Silver Series "925"

Marked inside:

Now to special price for a limited period of time -

SS-Wewelsburg Memory Ring "925"

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Made in Solid Sterling 925 Silver!

Marked inside:
"Wewelsburg 31.3.45" - "925"

Now to special price for a limited period of time - 40% Discount!

Black Sun Ring , German Schwarze Sonne Ring The mosaic at Wewelsburg castle is a really rare ring. The term Black Sun (German Schwarze Sonne), also referred to as the Sonnenrad (the German for "Sun Wheel"), is a symbol of esoteric or occult significance, notable for its usage in mysticism.

When the "final victory" failed to materialize, the castle commander (or Burghauptman), SS General Siegfried Taubert, fled on 30 March 1945 as the U.S. 3rd Armored Division closed in on the Paderborn area in the final phases of the war. Meanwhile, at his headquarters in Brenzlau, Himmler ordered adjutant SS Maj. Heinz Macher, with 15 of his men, to destroy the Wewelsburg. This took place on Saturday 31 March only three days before the 83rd Armored Reconnaissance Battalion, 3rd Armored Division seized the grounds after reports from a nearby Bürgermeister that "SS men had set fire to their barracks in the castle, changed into civilian clothes and fled."

Because Macher's company ran out of explosives, they placed tank mines only in the unimportant southeast tower, the guard-building and the SS-cadre-building which was completely destroyed. The castle was set on fire and – according to information of the village citizens – the castle was open to looting.
Bilderesultat for SS-Wewelsburg

Bilderesultat for SS-Wewelsburg

Jochen Peiper's Knight's Cross Ring "925"

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Made in Solid Sterling 925 Silver!

Marked inside: "925" - "SS" - "J. Peiper" - "9.3.43

Now to special price for a limited period of time - 40% Discount!Jochen Peiper, was a field officer in the Waffen-SS during World War II and personal adjutant to Reichsführer-SS Heinrich Himmler between November 1940 and August 1941. Bilderesultat for peiper
He received the Knight's Cross on 9th March 1943 as SS-Sturmbannführer and commander of the III. SS-Panzergrenadier-Regiment 2 "Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler.

3. SS-Totenkopf Ring "925"

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Made in Solid Sterling 925 Silver!

Marked inside: "SS 3. SS-Totenkopf" - "925"

Ring with a skull and crossbones in a centerpiece which included a wreath of oak leaves, band is formed by swastika.

Now to special price for a limited period of time - 40% Discount!

5. SS-Wiking Ring "925"

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Made in Solid Sterling 925 Silver! Heavy ring.

Marked inside: "925" - "SS" - "5. SS-Wiking

Now to special price for a limited period of time - 40% Discount!

3. SS-Totenkopf Ring "925" #2

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Made in Solid Sterling 925 Silver! Heavy ring.

Marked inside: "3. SS-Totenkopf" - "925" - "SS"

Now to special price for a limited period of time - 40% Discount!

"Totenkopf Ring Der SS for H Wolf".

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SALE on this ring!

Box for SS Rings

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Box for SS Rings with black velvet inside.

"Nordland / Wiking / Finland" Ring

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50% Discount on this ring!

Marked inside "SS" and "900".

"Nordland / Wiking / Sweden" Ring

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50% Discount on this ring!

Marked inside "SS" and "900".

"Nordland / Wiking / Denmark" Ring

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50% Discount on this ring!

Marked inside "SS" and "900".

"Nordland / Wiking / Norway" Ring

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50% Discount on this ring!

Marked inside "SS" and "900".

"Nordland / Wiking / Iceland" Ring

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"Nordland / Wiking" Black and White Ring

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50% Discount on this ring!

Marked inside "SS" and "900".

"Nordland / Wiking" Blue and Green Ring

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3. SS-Division Totenkopf Heavy Ring

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3. SS-Division Totenkopf Ring


Black Sun Ring

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50% Discount on this ring!
Black Sun Ring , German Schwarze Sonne Ring The mosaic at Wewelsburg castle is a really rare ring. The term Black Sun (German Schwarze Sonne), also referred to as the Sonnenrad (the German for "Sun Wheel"), is a symbol of esoteric or occult significance, notable for its usage in mysticism.

3rd SS Totenkopf Ring

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50% Discount on this ring!

Ring with a skull and crossbones in a centerpiece which included a wreath of oak leaves, band is formed by swastika.
The Ring is mark inside 835 and Markers mark M/831.

SS Totenkopf ring with OAK

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Snake and Skull Ring - Heavy Aged

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SS Anti Partizan Honour Ring #1

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SS Officer's Anti Partisan Honour ring. This massive ring copied from an original obtained in the Soviet Union, was reputedly worn by high ranking SS Officers engaged in anti-partisan operations in the East. With large central skull motif flanked by snakes and oak leaves. Marked inside "Berlin" "SS" and "900".

Adolf Hitler Ring

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"Totenkopf Ring Der SS" in Golden Antique

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SS Totenkopf Ring Meine Ehre Heisst True

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Spanish Blue Division Silver Ring

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Marked "835"

SS Ring (Type 1)

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SS Ring (Type 1)
Marked "SS".

SS Wiking / Nordland Ring

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Marked inside "900"

Vaterlandsdank 1914 Ring

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Text inside: Ich Gab Gold Für Eisen

Pi Zg Norge 1940 Ring

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Marked inside: "830S J.J" and something like "S.B"

Hitler Jugend Ring

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Hitler Jugend Ring

Marked inside "900"

SS Tank Ring #2

Dont think silver.

Polizei Ring "Z"

Marked inside: "H. Himmler, RZM, 900"

"Nederland Wiking / Nordland Ring"

Marked inside: V. Sundqvist - 900

SS-Leibstandarte Ring

Marked inside: "H. Himmler, RZM, 900"

N.S.D.A.P Ring


 Marked "900"

Adolf Hitler N.S.D.A.P. 1933

Marked "900"

Luftwaffe ring #4

Dont think silver.

Ich Beklagen Einen Helden#3

A ring with helmet and iron cross in a centerpiece, band is formed by laurel leaf wreath.Write in German ICH BEKLAGE EINEN HELDEN - translate to english  - I MOURN ONE HERO.

SS Officer Ring

Marked "900".

SS Viking Ring

SS Viking Ring
Marked "835".Sold!

11. SS Nordland ring

Marked inside: "835".

SS Anti Partizan Badge Ring


The Ring mark inside 835 and Markers mark GS.

WW II British Free Corps Ring

Marked inside: "835".Sold out!

Gestapo / SS-Polizei Ring

Marked "900" and something more hard to see...

S.A. Fist Ring

S.A. Fist Ring

 Some markings.
Sold out!

Norge Vikingship 1940 Ring

Marked inside: "830S J.J"

WW II The Netherland Iron Cross Ring

Marked inside: "835".Sold!

SS-Sportauszeichnung (Sports Badge) Ring

The Ring mark inside 835

Germanic SS proficiency badge. Instituted by Himmler in 1941 to Non-German for sports proficiency training
Sold out!

Panzer Ring

Panzer Ring


Sold out!

Luftwaffe "Gegen Engelland" Ring

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SS Anti Partizan Badge Ring

 Marked inside "900" and "RZM"
Sold out!

SS Hohenstaufen Ring

SS Hohenstaufen Ring

Sold out!

Der SS Lettische Ring

Der SS Lettische Ring
Sold out!

S.A. Ring

S.A. Ring
Marked "900" and something more hard to see...Sold out!